Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Hagen's Brown Sound Ale

9 lbs. Briess Pale
.5 lbs. Briess Special Roast
.5 lbs. 60L Crystal
1 lb. Victory
.5 lbs. Flaked Barley
.25 lbs. Chocolate

-Dry English Liquid Yeast

Northern Brewere (60 min)
Kent Goldings (15 - 5)
Cascade (Leaf - Dry Hopped in Secondary)

-Brewed it yesterday with my boy Matt Hagen, did a 90 min. boil for the first time, whirlpooled, areated all that jive, capped around 10 pm and was bubbling hard the next morning at 7, did a starter at 5 and pitched at 10 so must be plenty of time to get the cell count up

-tasted quite bitter and i'm afraid i may have gotten husk in the boil from stirring the mash as though to do a batch sparge half way through even with it still lautering...whatever, i'll just have to use gelatin again, which worked awesome on the two-hearted ale

-OG at 1.054, added about 1 gals of water to the wort to put me around 6.5 gals or preboil, ended with 5 gals in the primary, heated up 4 gals of sparge water to the 14 qts + grains in the i lost about 2.5 gals left in the mash tun...i attribute this to the grains sucking up water as well as the manifold/racking system which leaves a bit at the bottom, i'll need to drill a hole in the side of my pot to fix this, but it aint so bad, i just need to sparge more water than 4 gals, i think 5 would be just about perfect

-has a dark reddish/brown coloring to it, more like a dark amber than a brown but we'll see where it finishes...still not sure if i'm going to dry hop or not

-I now have a pretty good reserve in the basement of brews, bottled the two-hearted yesterday and it is a light tan color, very clear, not sure about the aroma, the hops may not have been right, i may have put in cascade instead of centennial or vice versa, very hoppy and bitter tasting, i only hope that there is enough suspended yeast for carbonation, had 4 gallons of beer and added 2/3 cup of sugar, as i wanted a high dose of carbonation in this one

-the ESB continues to fermenent and bubble, not sure if it will ever stop, hopefully next week so i can bottle next weekend

-the panama red is clearing out nicely in the secondary with the hops floating on top

-Milk Stout
-American Wheat
-Ginger Porter
-Fruity October
-Two-Hearted Ale

-Panama Red

-Hagen's Brown

TIGERS in 6 (I don't think it will be as easy as the last series, but i see us pulling it out)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, I brewed my brown stout last night. Was supposed to get an OG 0f 1070 but ended up with 1065. Oh well, not that bad. I took some picts if you want me to post a post!

2:57 PM


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