Saturday, August 12, 2006

List of Recipe's and Critiques...

1st Batch Ever (1/7/06)...
"Pilsner" Ale
-Brewmart Chech Pilsner Malt 1.8 Kg
-Laaglander Dried Malt Extract - Extra Light 1lb.
-Hallerau 1 oz. (1/2 oz. boiling, 1/2 oz. finishing)
-2 cups Corn Sugar

This brew didn't taste that good, sorta like a shitty budweiser, which is terrible enough said...

Amber Bock
-3/4 cup corn sugar
-6lb. light LME
-1.64 lbs. extra light DME coopers
-1/2 lb. chocolat
-3/4 lb. cara/munich
-1/3 lb. biscuit toasted
-1 oz. target hops (boiling)
-1 oz. hallertau (last 15 minutes)

-I remember this being very good, better with time, full bodied

English Amber
-3/4 eng. crystal, 1/4 dextrine, 1/2 bisquit
-1/2 gal LME
-1.45 lb. extra light DME coopers
-2 packets of coopers pure brewers yeast
-1 oz. perle pellet hops (boil)
-1 oz. kent golding hops (last 10 minutes)
-3/4 cup sugar

Turned out ok as I remember, nothing to speak of, not as good as the bock

Dry Stout
-1 lb. f. barley, 3/4 lb. roast barley, 1/4 lb. B.P.
-3/4 cup Corn Sugar
-1 Liter LME
-4.28 lbs. extra light DME
-1 oz. Glena pellet hops (60 min.)

Tasted plenty good, conditioned excellently

-1/2 lb. C-60, 1/2 lb. Victory
-1.5 lb. extra light DME
-1/2 gal. LME
-3/4 cup corn sugar
-11 g. Nottingham Brewers Yeast
60 min. 1oz. Centennial Pellet
30 min. 1oz.
15 min 1/2oz.
10 min 1/2oz.
5 min 1/2oz.
0 min 1/2oz.

Shit yes this stuff was awesome, Karl said it was tried and true, he was right

-1oz. fuggle hops (60 min)
-1oz. fuggle hops (30 min)
-.5oz. golding (15 min)
-.5oz. golding (2 min)
-1lb. f.barley, 8oz. 20 barley, 2 oz. roasted barley
-.5lbs. extra light DME
-1 cup corn sugar
-1 tsp. Irish Moss (last 15 min)
-British Ale Yeast WLP P005 Liquid

Left way too long in the primary, krausen ring fell into brew and made it chunky, tasted OK but not very good, not like Smithwicks at all

German Wheat
-6lbs. light DME
-1lb wheat grain,1/3 oatmeal
-1 oz. hallertau hops (4.6 aa 60 min)
-1/2 oz. saaz (15 min 3.6 oz.)
-1/2 oz. saaz (5 min 3.6 oz.)
-Hefeweisen IV liquid yeast

Very banana and clover tasting, tasted very good though after time, had to get used to the flavor

Nut Brown
-.8 lbs. xtra light DME
-1 oz. northern brewers 6.5 (60 min)
-1/2 oz. fruggle (15 and 5)
-Nottingham Dry Yeast 11g.

Tasted great, once caleb figured out the kegging process

Caleb's "I gotta baby" Milk Stout
I hope you got this one Caleb, I don't know where the recipe is, but it smells great I bottled it today

American Wheat
Don't know if i wrote this down or not, 1st full boil, Ice bath does shit for a full boil batch, killed the yeast in the hott wort, repitched couple days later, american yeast in the bag, not bottled yet, went to secondary after 3 weeks or so

So there they are, that's the beer diary in a nutshell, of the brews I'd like to brew again are
-Dry Stout
-Milk Stout (haven't tried it yet, but it sure smells good)

Tried the Octoberfest today during secondary racking, tasted watery and light, smelled good though, also racked the Ginger Porter, forgot to taste but should be good.


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