Tuesday, August 15, 2006

First Partial Mash

4:50 - Put 3 gallons of Water in Pot with Grains (2lbs. of 2 - Row Pale, 2lbs. Munich, .25lbs. Chocolate), Grains are in a sock stretched over the inside of the pot.
5:20 - Took off Heat at 155 Degrees, wrapped pot in towels
5:50 - Checked Temp, about 155
6:20 - Pulled up bag and Sparged with .75 Gallons (Approx. 3.75 Gallons of Wort Now)
6:30 - Added 2 lbs. of Amber LME, 2lb. of Extra Light DME
7:00 - Brought to boil and Added Willamette 4.1 Pellet Hops in Bag
7:45 - Added Cascade 5.3 Pellet Hops and 1 tsp. Irish Moss to bag
8:00 - Stopped Boil, Added 1 can of Cranberry Extract and 1lb. of Honey and Ice Bathed
8:30 - Added Wort to 2 Gal of Cold Water (Now 5.5 Gallons of Wort at 100 Deg. Temp, Sliced two granny smith and two red delicious apples onto surface
8:40 - Added Trappist Liquid Yeast WLP 500 Stirred and Capped

Original Gravity = 1.6 Looking at an 8% Alcohol Content :0)

-Went pretty well, Took a long time on the stove, need more heat!!! Honey and Juice dulled the hoppy smell, but neither is overpowering, hopefully a good mix of flavors is what is left. This recipe is all about balance and I'm hoping we get close or one takes over but isn't too dominating. Only time will tell.
-The mash wort truly was sweet, but i need a better way to Sparge.


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