Monday, September 25, 2006

Playoffs and beyond...

Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jewish God, Thank you Tom Cruise!!!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

2nd All Grain

Built a manifold yesterday out of 1/2 inch. copper piping, was a much better way of lautering

Strong Bitter/English Pale Ale
Fuller's ESB ish

Made starter with .5 oz of Hops, 1/2 cup of DME, and 1/3 of a growler of Water
Put 20 qts of 165 Deg water in with Grains:
14 lbs. of Weyer Pale
1lb of 40L
1lb. of Weyer Cara Aroma
Brought temp to 154 and mashed at 1:50
Brought mash to 170 Deg at 2:50
Brought pot w/ 3 gals of 170 Deg and sparged at 3:00
Heated up another pot of 3 gals at 170 Deg and Sparged at Approx. 3:40
Ran from very dark to light color
Gave 6.5 Gals of Wort
Brought to boil and added 1.5 oz. of Kent Goldings 6 @ 4:05
Added .5 oz. @ 4:45 - put chiller in
Added .5 oz @ 5:05
75 Deg at 6:00 - added Starter
Stirred and capped @ 6:05
1.060 OG (WOOT WOOT!!!!!!)


-Manifold worked amazingly well, grain bed was really thick but didn't get stuck,
-Need bigger pot for Sparge water
-Starter worked great, was bubbling strong before pitching with krausen ring
-Much less crap(husk) in the boil from the grains, ran the firs 1/2 gal or so through then dumped on top of the grain bed

1st all grain

Sept. 3rd

bell's two hearted ale:
2 lbs. - 2-row Brewers
5 lbs. - 2-row Pale
Mashed w/ 11 qts. of water raised to 152 Deg at 1:50
Sparged w/ 4 Gal at 170 Deg at 2:50
Added 1 lb. of X-Light DME to raise OG
Boiled at 3:20
3:50 1 oz. of Centenniaal
4:30 1 oz. of Hops
4:35 1 tsp. of I Moss
4:50 1 oz. of Hops
Pitched WLP001 California Ale Yeast (Liquid)
5:50 Capped at 100 Deg.

-Lots of shit in the primary, sparging was a bitch, had grains in a bag then lifted then sparged...need a mash tun

-Bubbled a day later

-Racked a week Later

-Still sitting in Secondary to be bottled